Iana Cherepanska
Siberian Beauty
Summer mood, 26x18cm, 2019
Bugs and flowers
The Bluff
The Orchid
Bugs and flowers
The Amanita
The Forget
Prince Tulip
Iris II Perfection
Iana, a professional artist, for her many years of experience, came to an extremely detailed style of pointillism / stippling work. More than 5 million ink dots were used on each piece of art to create realistic and deep tones of ink, which is further emphasized by her unique style of applying paint drawings until they become three-dimensional to complete the image. The technique is inspired by nature itself, just as every object is created by the smallest molecules, the combination of which makes us so unique. Therefore, the main theme of Iana's creativity is natural objects: from a delicate flower to the stunning complexity of the human body.
I am always looking forward to new opportunities, collaborations and interesting projects. Contact me to work together.
I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.
Photos and texts are used to showcase the author's artwork, please do not use them for commercial purposes.
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